Flexo® Super Duty

Flexo® Super Duty

Flexo Super Duty is braided from 20 mil 6-6 Nylon Polyamide monofilament. Heavy duty and flexible, this sleeving is extremely versatile in any industrial application that calls for abrasion protection without any sacrifice in flexibility or durability. 

  • Super Duty SDN0.25

    Techflex SDN0.25 ,0.25"/6mm Flexo Super Duty is braided from 20 mil 6-6 Nylon Polyamide monofilament. Heavy duty and flexible.

    • £1.85
    Sorry, we only have 964 of that item available
  • Flexo® Super Duty - 12.7mm - 1/2"

    Techflex SDN0.50 ,0.50"/12mm, Flexo Super Duty is braided from 20 mil 6-6 Nylon Polyamide monofilament. Heavy duty and flexible

    • £2.90
    Sorry, we only have 989 of that item available
  • Super Duty SDN0.75

    Techflex SDN0.75 ,0.75"/19mm Flexo Super Duty is braided from 20 mil 6-6 Nylon Polyamide monofilament. Heavy duty and flexible.

    • £2.85
    Sorry, we only have 1000 of that item available
  • Techflex Super Duty SDN1.00

    Techflex SDN1.00 ,1"/25mm Flexo Super Duty is braided from 20 mil 6-6 Nylon Polyamide monofilament. Heavy duty and flexible.

    • £4.00
    Sorry, we only have 999 of that item available
  • Super Duty SDN1.25

    Techflex SDN1.25 ,1.25"/31mm Flexo Super Duty is braided from 20 mil 6-6 Nylon Polyamide monofilament. Heavy duty and flexible.

    • £3.65
    Sorry, we only have 993 of that item available
  • Super Duty SDN1.75

    Techflex SDN1.75 ,1.75"/44mm Flexo Super Duty is braided from 20 mil 6-6 Nylon Polyamide monofilament. Heavy duty and flexible.

    • £32.00
    Sorry, we only have 999 of that item available
  • Super Duty SDN2.25

    Techflex SDN2.25 ,2.25"/57mm Flexo Super Duty is braided from 20 mil 6-6 Nylon Polyamide monofilament. Heavy duty and flexible.

    • £40.00
    Sorry, we only have 1000 of that item available

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