Flexo® Flame Retardant

Flexo® Flame Retardant

Flame Retardant Versatile & Colorful Braided Sleeve

Flexo PET Flame Retardant sleeving is the perfect choice for electronic and high tech applications where flame retardance and durability are primary concerns. Ease of installation makes FR an efficient choice for long runs of wire or cable. The addition of an organic combustion inhibitor to our standard polyethylene terepthalate gives FR an Underwriters Lab and CSA flame resistance rating of VW-1.

  • Flexo® Wrap Flame Retardant - 1/2"

    1/2" Black with White Tracer, Flame Retardant Flexo Wrap (FWF) provides the same hook and loop wire management flexibility as our standard Flexo Wrap along with the added safety feature of an organic flame inhibitor to provide an additional level of security.

    • £43.00
    Sorry, we only have 5 of that item available
  • Techflex Flame Retardant Wrap 3/4"

    3/4" Black with White Tracer, Flame Retardant Flexo Wrap (FWF) provides the same hook and loop wire management flexibility as our standard Flexo Wrap along with the added safety feature of an organic flame inhibitor to provide an additional level of security.

    • £44.00
    Sorry, we only have 499 of that item available
  • Techflex Flame Retardant Wrap 1.25"

    1.25" Black with White Tracer, Flame Retardant Flexo Wrap (FWF) provides the same hook and loop wire management flexibility as our standard Flexo Wrap along with the added safety feature of an organic flame inhibitor to provide an additional level of security.

    • £39.00
    Sorry, we only have 4000 of that item available
  • Techflex Flame Retardant Wrap 2"

    2" Black with White Tracer, Flame Retardant Flexo Wrap (FWF) provides the same hook and loop wire management flexibility as our standard Flexo Wrap along with the added safety feature of an organic flame inhibitor to provide an additional level of security.

    • £36.00
    Sorry, we only have 3000 of that item available

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